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  国家自然科学基金项目 白灵侧耳生长周期性状的关键基因发掘及功能验证 (31701979,2018-2020)主持

  973项目课题子课题侧耳属物种系统学研究及物种遗传多态性与农艺性状关联性研究 (2015-2018)主持

  公益性科研院所专项经费重点项目 Pleurotus eryngii (刺芹侧耳)三个变种的物理和遗传图谱比较研究(647-46,2014-2017)主持

  公益性科研院所专项重大平台项目 中国农科院资划所-荷兰瓦赫宁根大学蘑菇育种联合实验室国际交流与合作研究 (2018-2020)主持

  国家食用菌产业技术体系 侧耳类品种改良 CARS20(2008-2020)参加

  北京市科技计划重点项目课题 特异食用菌种质资源筛选和新品种选育 D151100004315003 (2015-2017),主要执行人,

  北京市农业科技项目 白灵菇新品种配套栽培和菌渣利用技术集成示范 20170154 (2017),主要执行人

  山西省煤基重点科技攻关项目子课题 食用菌种质资源评价、品种鉴别与菌种质量检测技术研究 FT2014-03-01 (2014-2017) 主要执行人

  双孢蘑菇良种繁育中心建设技术合作 5219 (2017-2020),主要执行人

  国家科技支撑计划课题 食用菌有害生物绿色防控、快速检测等研究  2012BAD16B03-02 (2013-2016) 参加

  国家科技支撑计划课题 人工栽培食用菌优质新品种选育研究 2008BADA1B02 (2008-2010)参加

  公益性行业(农业)科研专项项目 食用菌菌种质量评价与菌种信息系统研究与建立 3-27 (2007-2011),参加

  农业部“引进国际先进农业科学技术”项目 食用菌优异种质与优质安全生产技术引进与创新 2006-G11(A)(2006-2010)参加


  Gao W., Qu J., Zhang J., Sonnenberg A., Chen Q., Zhang Y., & Huang C. 2018. A genetic linkage map of Pleurotus tuoliensis integrated with physical mapping of the de novo sequenced genome and the mating type loci. BMC Genomics,  accepted(IF=4.284)

  Gao W, Weijn A, Baars JJP, Mes JJ, Visser RGF, Sonnenberg ASM. Quantitative trait locus mapping for bruising sensitivity and cap color of Agaricus bisporus (button mushrooms). Fungal Genetics and Biology. 2015;77: 69-81. (IF=3.231) cited 11

  Gao W, Baars JJ, Maliepaard C, Visser RG, Zhang J, Sonnenberg AS. Multi-trait QTL analysis for agronomic and quality characters of Agaricus bisporus (button mushrooms). AMB Express. 2016;6(1):67. (IF=2.332)cited 4

  Gao W, Baars JJ, Dolstra O, Visser RG, Sonnenberg AS. Genetic variation and combining ability analysis of bruising sensitivity in Agaricus bisporus. PLoS One. 2013;8(10):e76826. (IF=4.015)cited 8

  Sonnenberg AS, Gao W, Lavrijssen B, Hendrickx P, Sedaghat-Tellgerd N, Foulongne-Oriol M, Kong WS, Schijlen EG, Baars JJ, Visser RG. A detailed analysis of the recombination landscape of the button mushroom Agaricus bisporus var. bisporus. Fungal Genetics and Biology. 2016;93:35-45. (IF=3.231) cited 14

  Sonnenberg AS, Baars JJ, Gao W, Visser RG. Developments in breeding of Agaricus bisporus var. bisporus: progress made and technical and legal hurdles to take. Applied Microbiology Biotechnology. 2017;101(5):1819-29. (IF=3.716) cited 1

  Wang L, Wu X, Gao W, Zhao M, Zhang J, Huang C. Differential Expression Patterns of Pleurotus ostreatus Catalase Genes during Developmental Stages and under Heat Stress. Genes. 2017;8(11). (IF=2.984)

  Huang C, Xu J, Gao W, Chen Q, Wang H, Zhang J. A reason for overlap peaks in direct sequencing of rRNA gene ITS in Pleurotus nebrodensis. FEMS Microbiology Letter. 2010;305(1):14-7. (IF=2.102) cited 10

  Zhao MR, Zhang JX, Chen Q, Wu XL, Gao W, Deng W, Huang C. The famous cultivated mushroom Bailinggu is a separate species of the Pleurotus eryngii species complex. Scientific Report. 2016;6:33066. (IF=4.847) cited 3

  Zhang RY, Hu DD, Zhang YY, Goodwin PH, Huang CY, Chen Q, Gao W, Wu XL, Zou YJ, Qu JB et al. Anoxia and anaerobic respiration are involved in "spawn-burning" syndrome for edible mushroom Pleurotus eryngii grown at high temperatures. Scientia Horticulturae. 2016;199:75-80. (IF=1.883) cited 3

  Zhao MR, Huang CY, Wu XL, Chen Q, Qu JB, Li YC, Gao W, Zhang JX. Genetic variation and population structure of the mushroom Pleurotus ferulae in China inferred from nuclear DNA analysis. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2016;15(10):2237-46. (IF=1.131)

  Sun SJ, Gao W, Lin SQ, Zhu J, Xie BG, Lin ZB. Analysis of genetic diversity in Ganoderma population with a novel molecular marker SRAP. Applied Microbiology Biotechnology. 2006;72(3):537-43 (IF=3.716). Cited 123

  高巍,BAARS Johan JP,DOLSTRA 等. Effects of environmental factors on bruising

  sensitivity of button mushrooms ( Agaricus bisporus ). 菌物学报,2016,11:1375-1386.

  Gao W, Baars JJP, Sonnenberg ASM, Richard Visser. Inheritance pattern of bruising sensitivity trait in Agaricus bisporus. In: proceedings of the 7th International Conference of the World Society for Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products, 04-07 October 2011, Arcachon, France: 2011: ICMBMP; 2011: 7-15.




  王琼英,高巍,赵梦然,邬向丽,陈强,曲积彬,黄晨阳. 市售食用菌鲜品外源细菌的动态变化分析[J]. 食品科学,2017,38(21):80-85. EI 收录

  王琼英,高巍,陈强,黄晨阳. 与食用菌相关的食源性致病细菌简述[J]. 中国食用菌,2016,35(01):59-61

  张金霞,陈强,黄晨阳,高巍,曲积彬. 食用菌产业发展历史、现状与趋势[J]. 菌物学报,2015,34(04):524-540.

  黄晨阳,陈强,邓旺秋,李泰辉,高巍,张金霞. 中国栽培白灵菇学名的订正[J]. 植物遗传资源学报,2011,12(05):825-827+832.


