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  ,男,1978年出生,农学博士,研究员,博士生导师。2008年7月毕业于德国霍恩海姆大学农业经济专业,获博士学位。 2008年8月参加工作,长期从事农业发展理论与政策研究。主持和参加各类国际和国内政府和企业研究项目二十多项,主持国家自然科学基金两项,发表SCI和SSCI学术论文近三十篇,其中80%以上为第一作者和通讯作者。指导博士、硕士8名,国际留学生若干。




  1. Xiangping Jia. (2020) Priming the pump of impact entrepreneurship and social finance in China. Agriculture and Human Values . 39 

  2. Desa, Geoff & Xiangping Jia (2020) Sustainability transitions in the context of pandemic: an introduction to the focused issue on social innovation and systemic impact. Agriculture and Human Values . 39:1-9

  3. Jia, Xiangping*, R. Cull, P. Guo, and T. Ma. (2016). "Commercialization and Mission Drift: Evidence from a Large Chinese Microfinance Institution " China Economic Review  40: 17-32.

  4. Guo, M., X. Jia*, J. Huang, K. Kumar. N. Burger, (2015) “Farmer Field School and Farmer Knowledge Acquisition in Rice Production: Experimental Evaluation in China.” Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment.  209: 100-107.

  5. Jia, X.*, and J. Huang. 2011. "Contractual Arrangements between Farmer Cooperatives and Buyers in China." Food Policy 36(5):655-665.



  1. 《中国农业创投、创业与创新》,2018年,经济管理出版社。

  2. Jia, X., Yamei Hu, George Hendrikse. (2015) “Centralized versus Individual: Governance of Farmer Professional Cooperatives in China”, in Cooperatives, Economic Democratization and Rural Development  ed by J. Bijman, R. Muradian, J Schuurman. Amsterdam: Edward Elgar.

  3. Jia, X., and J. Bijman (2013) Contract Farming: Synthetic Themes for Linking Farmers to Demanding Markets. In: Contract Farming for Improved Market Access . Page 21-38. FAO, Rome.

  4. Jia, X. (2008). Credit Rationing and Institutional Constraint: Evidence from Rural China . Frankfurt, Germany: Peter Lang.